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protecting your creativity

In order to feel connected with my creative practice I need to feel settled into my surroundings and routines. When you move the place you reside in all of this goes away and the only way you can cope is to just force those previous routines into your new environment hoping that they fit. Eventually, everything will start sticking in this new way. For me, this is crucial in allowing my creative ventures to survive.

flower abstract work
experimental work by artist aliejo

I’ve been using art as a coping mechanism for the past two days as I settle into my new place. I never realised before how much I valued it to help me cope with my days. 

Nirvana for me is when you stick me in a London park coated in sunshine and people lazying around embracing it all. Working en plein air forces you to focus on everything that surrounds you in a more intimate detail than just by looking at it in passing. Analysing the barks on trees, the way the leaves move as the wind weaves through them as it all reveals its beauty to you. This is my biggest source of inspiration. 

I love coming back to my desk and using my sketchbook to reference the forms I picked up from my ventures of the day and fuse them into some sort of composition: leaving me with a piece to commemorate the things I noticed. I guess this is where I find the meaning in my practice: creating a visual archive of the forms that I acknowledged and remember from my various trips to various places. 

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